Monday, February 9, 2009

rainy monday

today was monday. it actually felt good outstide today tho. that made up for it a little bit. i hate mondays cuz i usually wind up doing all my homework the night before, and i'm always groggy. cuz ya kno u get used to staying up late and then ur body doesnt wanna go to sleep sunday night wen it has to and u feel like shit monday. and i have to stay at skool until like six every monday for voice lessons and choir practice, but i usually go to sonic with jennah right after school so thats pretty cool. she actually gave me the idea to start this blog. anywho, i had chem and algebra homework. god i hate junior year. its like when is college people? i just want some excitement. i'm sick of this boring ass, nothing ever happens town. plus i just got fired from my joke of a job. like it really takes a lot of skill to sit somebody in the coltons whore house. i hated some of the people i had to work with, some of them werent very fond of me either, but idc. i kno not everyone is gonna like me and i really dont care wat they think. its a free country. i dont judge. but i digress. maybe my life will quit sucking here in a few days and i can be normal again. or at least as close to normal as i'm ever gonna get.

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see you've started a blog. No one would ever guess you're the daughter of an English major. :P


    Love, Mom
