Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I stole something from myself, and now I want it back.

I would like to share some lyrics from the talented Sarah Brightman:

Deliver me, out of my sadness.
Deliver me, from all of the madness.
Deliver me, courage to guide me.
Deliver me, strength from inside me.

Deliver me, loving and caring.
Deliver me, giving and sharing.
Deliver me, cross that I'm bearing.

It's just the two verses, but that's all I need to get my point across. Some drama went down this week, and if you're in the choir at my school you know about it. Something somebody involved got to me, and I wound up hysterical in my car driving down the highway crying and screaming at God.

My point is I need to find God again. Well I say find, but you get the point. I guess I should say see God again since He's never really lost. So, I need God to do those things for me again. I need him to give me the courage and strength I lost again. I need him to make me a better person again. So on and so forth.

There is so much I need to apologize for, and I know it's going to take time for everybody involved to be able to say what they need to say. I know for sure two of us aren't ready to get everything out yet. But, with the next few days away from eachother maybe the situation will get better, a lot better, we hope at least.

So while I'm trying to get my life back on track once again, I hope the others involved are coming to terms with it too. I'll be praying for them, and I hope they'll do the same for me. Everybody I needs a good slap in the face sometimes, and it looks like we got ours. Maybe God is trying to tell us all something. I'd take it seriously.


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