Tuesday, February 10, 2009

another rainy day and silly boys

my bff jackson started blogging today. and i'm gonna say his name, jackson, as many times as i can because i kno jackson doesnt like to name names in jacksons blog. so just in case u didnt kno i'm talking about jackson right now.
okay i'm done with that.
jackson jackson jackson
okay really now. i'm done.
too bad i dont have the patience to make a tribute to the shining and type like 356 pages of "all work and no play makes jackson a dull boy."
that wud be amazing.
so today was pretty dull. we started the rough draft for our research papers in english, turned some work in in chem, watched a movie in french, took notes in gov't, sang in choir, rehearsed in drama, and graded stuff in algebra. and as the entire day dragged on i was thinking about a silly boy.
how can one boy mess with my brain this way?
hes just a boy so why do i like him so much? its not fair that they can mess with girls minds and not be affected by us at all. i want a refund.
anywho, i had a funny moment in algebra. this kid that sits in the very back of the class and sleeps half the time has a really girlish face so i expected him to sound like a ten year old kid opened his mouth for the first time today and man he has a bass voice!
i was like da-ha-ham! i did not expect his voice to sound like that! bradley said he thot he pissed himself lol.
i went to mountain mudd and the natural food store with jackson after school. we drank organic sodas and took pics in the rain. it was great.
and then i came home, studied, took a shower, and sat down to write this blog.
it was an okay day.
peace out bitches.

1 comment:

  1. "too bad i dont have the patience to make a tribute to the shining and type like 356 pages of "all work and no play makes jackson a dull boy."
    that wud be amazing."

    You crack me up. :)

    Love, Mom
